Registering Students

Only Advisors can register their students. Accordingly, Advisors must first be registered:

Registering Delegations & Advisors

Once a Delegation has been created, its Advisor can register their students.

Adding Students

Adding students is a two-phase process. Advisors complete phase 1 (creating access codes). Students complete phase 2 (self-registering and signing-in to Secure Access for the first time).

For student responsibilities during the registration process, see the link below:

Student Responsibilities

Both state coordinators and advisors can generate invitation codes for delegations.

To add new students, follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to the RIML Access Center.

  2. In the left-hand menu, select "Delegation"

  3. All active invitation tokens/codes will display in the table. These tokens can be used unlimited times (by more than one student) until they expire.

  4. Generate a new code if none appear or if you would like a specific token for a specific use-case. Please see the video above for additional clarity.

  5. Give the code to your student(s).

The student will receive an email like the one below with their login credentials.

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